Once Upon a Woof
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A Dog Blog

19 August 2010

I had an adventure today, and I saved the day, as usual!

To begin, let me explain some things about mah family. The Herman's run a book-making company in their spare time when they aren't feeding and loving me and mah Poodle.  Some of their files got erased, and they needed them fast! So it was time to help mah family in their time of crisis, in between meals.

I slipped into mah costume (orange is a great color for an Airedale in disguise!), and went to work.  These files needed to be recovered, and what was a dog to do?  I thought about it for a while, and realized, with great doggie-dread, that I would need the help of mah arch-nemesis for this job...

The CAT!  Now, I don't personally own a cat, nor do any live near mah peoples, but I know a dog who knows a dog who knows a hamster that is acquainted with a cat. The CAT to be precise (and dogs are always precise!)

I found a phone that mah people had left laying on the ground and made mah call.  "The CAT," I woofed into the phone, "I need a favor for mah peoples." 

"And whhhaaaaatttt do I get for this serrrrrrvice?" Purred the evil pussy in the phone.

I had to stop and think at this point.  What would The CAT want in return for his/her computer recovery skills?  Catnip?  A lazer-mounted shark? Mah Poodle? 

As it turns out, The CAT only wanted a few pieces of one of mah family's carpets, which I can easily blame on mah Poodle...she takes the blame for me a lot, poor thing...Sorry Mellow about the poo on the rug, if you ever read this...

The deal was done, and The CAT remotely aided me in recovering most of mah missing files.  Mah costume was getting itchy at this point, so I shook it off.  Man did I need a grooming...Maybe I can shed on Danfer's bed some more till he gets the point...But back to mah story.

I would have continued to try and get the files back, but mah human came home from work early and wanted to take me to the.....VETTTTTT NOOOOO WOOOF DON'T DO IT DANFER I DON'T WANT TO DIEEEEEE!!!!!

But alas, I can not speak human in front of mah human.  It would break one of the rules mah father had taught me as a pup.  They were only taking out mah stitches from mah surgery earlier this month, but mah fear of the vet is deep-seated. 

Mah human thinks I got the stitches from mah surgery...but I'll reveal the truth next entry.....

17 August 2010

Hello, mah name is D'zur, and I am an Airedale Terrier that lives with mah family in New Castle, PA.  I decided the other day to start mah own website, seeing as the trend has begun to catch on with other dogs. 

I figured I would start with mah doggie bio, and then give little updates on mah life as a dog and secret superhero, Super 'Zur.  Well, not so much a secret anymore...but most of mah fellow dogs can't read, so I think I'm okay for now.  Just don't tell them, okay?  Even mah buddy Mellow (mah Standard Poodle) has no idea what I do when I'm not rubbing mahself on the couch and chasing her around our house.

To begin, I was born to two of the most amazing Airedales ever, Gort and Maya Herman.  I came into the world with six other sisters and a brother, and was kept out of mah whole litter by mah family, the Hermans.  They take care of me and took care of the Pack when mah parents passed away several years ago.  Danfer took the place of mah father in the Pack, and the Weezer became mah second mother.  The daughter, Beeba, had always been mah sister and remained the same.

Soon after the loss of mah parents, four things happened in mah life.  First, I learned to be king in mah little castle; second, I found that I had gotten my mother's habit of eating kibble and leaving bits of it all over the house; third, I got mah Poodle Mellow, and fourth, I took up the mantle mah father Gort had left behind as Super Gort, and became Super 'Zur, defender of dogs and squirrels everywhere.  Also, occasionally, humans.

It has been four years since mah second life has begun, and I haven't regretted a minute of it.  I even learned how to steal Beeba's computer and type! Which is quite difficult when you only have paws.

This is mah first entry, but I will regularly update with mah adventures as a dog and superhero.  Please spread the word, because I think I would like to have some humans understand what it's like to be a doggie-superhero.

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